Action Alert: Support H.R. 3187 and H.R. 3277

Support the Pet Safety and Protection Act and the Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act that would strengthen the enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act.

OAA PROGRAM AREA: Humane Education


The Animal Welfare Act is the only federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research, teaching, testing, exhibition, transport, and by dealers. This crucial legislation creates minimum standards of care and treatment to be provided for certain animals bred for commercial sale.

The Pet Safety and Protection Act and the Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act would strengthen the enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act and protect the lives of innocent animals. H.R. 3187, the Pet Safety and Protection Act, would permanently end the ability of Class B dealers to supply random source dogs and cats for research. H.R. 3277, the Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act, would require license holders to renew their licenses annually, preventing violators from continuing breeding operations. these bills are critical to the protection of animals sold commercially.

What You Can Do

Contact your Congressmember and urge them to support H.R. 3187, the Pet Safety and Protection Act, and H.R. 3277, the Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act. Share this Action Alert on your social media to raise awareness, educate, and encourage others to take action.

Find contact information for your United States Representative here.. If mailing via USPS, address the envelope to “The Honorable ______” at the indicated address.

Take Action

Dear Representative ______________ ,

Every day, countless innocent animals suffer due to the USDA’s failure to enforce the Animal Welfare Act. This crucial legislation creates minimum standards of care and treatment to be provided for certain animals bred for commercial sale. As your constituent, I respectfully urge you to support the following two bills to strengthen the Animal Welfare Act:

H.R. 3187, the Pet Safety and Protection Act, would permanently end the ability of Class B dealers to supply random source dogs and cats for research. USDA inspectors have documented numerous Class B dealers subjecting these innocent animals to horrendous, unsanitary living conditions. A National Academy of Sciences report concluded that there is no scientific need for researchers to rely on random source dealers for dogs and cats and that using such animals can negatively effect research results. Aware of the abusive treatment to which these dealers have treated animals, as well as the enforcement problems they present, Congress has been prohibiting the USDA from licensing Class B dealers through its annual USDA funding bill. We must pass this permanent legislation to protect cats and dogs from cruel experimentation.

H.R. 3277, the Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act (AWEIA), would close loopholes in the USDA’s licensing process that endanger animals and allow chronic violators to evade accountability. This legislation would require license holders to renew their licenses annually, and anyone out of compliance with the AWA would be denied. AWEIA would prevent violators from continuing breeding operations and save countless animals from their harmful neglect.

In summary, I ask you to support and help to pass the Pet Safety and Protection Act and the Animal Welfare Enforcement Improvement Act. These bills are crucial in ensuring that those who do not meet the law’s minimum standards of care are not allowed to persist in their failures. Thank you for considering this issue, and I look forward to hearing your response.


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